Rick Louie Photography

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Colorado Fall Color Expedition 2019

This is a private post and only shared via direct messages for this link.

I've mentioned to you guys that I'll be down in the San Juan Mountains (possibly in the West Elk Mountains as well) this fall. I do not want to do a formal Rally Point event just for the simple fact that I don't usually have a formal agenda and also I don't want to be responsible for finding a large area for camp, especially as I go from place to place. Much of where I go will depend on how the colors look this year and from other photographers reports on areas.

So here's my tentative schedule for Fall Colors this year:
My expedition will be from 10/6 - 10/14 this year
Sun - 10/6 - Crested Butte/West Elk Mountains
Wednesday - 10/9 - Owl Creek Pass/Silver Jack Lake Area - May stay 1 night or just go over Owl Creek and set up camp on the Ridgway side depending on conditions
Thursday - (10/10-10/11) - Ridgway/Sneffels Mountain Range/Last Dollar Rd/Wilson Mesa (Camp Cty Rd 7 or 9 and then possibly on Last Dollar Rd (that camp spot we were at this year was fantastic and close by a sunrise/sunset spot).
Saturday/Sunday- (10/12-10/13) - Telluride area - Wilson Mesa - Ophir Pass over to Red Mountain Pass and if Black Bear is open take it back into Telluride

I'm usually up early for sunrise somewhere for a photo and then will make myself breakfast mid to late morning or just snack until lunchtime. Depending on sky conditions I may also do some astrophotography late at night. If I'm close to camp around lunchtime, I'll come back to camp and take a nap and relax until 2 or 3 pm and drive to an afternoon/sunset location/area. Just to give some context I usually will leave in the mornings around 5:30-6am. Sunset is around 7 so will be back at camp around 8. They are long days - not saying that you need to be with me the whole time, that's usually going to be my schedule, though I usually will skip one sunrise especially if I'm up late doing Astro. Kinda depends on the forecast for skies and how colorful they will be.

For those that want to know about Fall colors here in Colorado, they usually peak in the Southwest part of the state around the 3rd week of the month. The area around Crested Butte is usually first and then it migrates south to the San Juans. I find the last week of September and the 1st week in October will be peak in the San Juan Mountains. I’ve had good luck in the past with the first snow falling around the end of September and so it’s quite pretty with yellow leaves and a fresh blanket of snow.

Colors will usually lost past those dates and as you get down toward Durango, it will go later in the season. Keep in mind with aspen leaves, a windy cold storm will blow all the leaves off the trees so it really depend on how will the weather will cooperate and you never know from year to year wha the weather will do. I’m a little worried this year with all the moisture that it all my turn brown and just fall off the trees. I really hope not.

I’ve given you some ideas as to where I’ll be, but sorry, I will not post publicly my favorite locations and times to be in those locations. They end up getting shared too much and then over run with people.

If you want to join up with me, you are welcome to leave a DM on instagram or below here in a comment. If you can’t join for the whole trip, I can always leave coordinates for you as I drop in and out of cell phone coverage. If I have enough time,

Hope that helps and hope to see some of you on the trails this fall here in Colorado.
